Accru承诺根据《澳门赌场官网》中的澳门赌场官网隐私原则处理我们收集的个人信息. This Privacy Policy sets out how Accru handles personal information.
如果您对我们管理您的个人信息或遵守我们的政策有疑问或意见, please contact our National Chairman.
Updated March 2014.
How we collect and manage personal information
Personal information we collect
Accru collects personal information about our clients, individuals associated with our clients and our business contacts, 主要是提供专业的服务和有效地管理我们的业务关系. 我们收集的个人信息类型取决于我们需要提供的服务,可能包括:
- Names, job titles, contact and address details
- 身份证明文件中的信息(例如,护照、驾照)
- Tax file numbers and other government-issued identification numbers
- Date of birth and gender
- Bank account details, shareholdings and details of investments
- Details of superannuation and insurance arrangements
- Educational qualifications, employment history and salary
- Visa or work permit status
- Personal information about your spouse and dependants.
How we collect personal information
一般来说,我们会直接向您收集您的个人信息(例如, when we deal with you in person or over the phone, when you send us correspondence (including via email), when you complete a questionnaire, form or survey, or when you subscribe to our publications).
有时我们可能需要从第三方收集您的个人信息. For example, 如果您的雇主是我们的客户,我们可能会向他们收集您的个人信息, from your personal representative, another Accru member firm or a publicly available record.
If you provide us with someone else’s personal information, 只有在您获得他们的授权或同意向我们提供他们的个人信息时,您才应该这样做. 您还应采取合理措施,告知他们本隐私政策或我们向您提供的任何隐私收集声明中规定的事项.
If you or other third parties provide us with personal data, whether in the form of an email, business card or verbally during a meeting, contact details list or otherwise, 我们接受此信息的条件是,提供商拥有向我们传输此个人数据所需的所有权利,并且您已授予我们收集此信息的许可, store and use such information with no limitations.
Security of personal information
Accru holds personal information in hard copy and electronic formats. 我们采取安全措施来保护我们所持有的个人信息,包括物理(例如), 安全通行证进入我们的办公室和存储文件在可锁的橱柜)和技术(例如, restriction of access, firewalls, the use of encryption, passwords and digital certificates) security measures.
How we use personal information
Why we collect personal information
- To provide professional services
- To respond to requests or queries
- To maintain contact with our clients and other contacts, or keep them informed of our services and industry developments
- To notify of seminars and other events
- For administrative or recruitment purposes
- When engaging service providers, other Accru member firms, contractors or suppliers relating to the operation of our business
- 管理任何利益冲突或独立性(包括审计师独立性)的义务或情况
- To conduct surveys for seeking your feedback
- To meet any regulatory obligations
- As part of an acquisition, disposition, merger or de-merger of a business or entering into an alliance, joint venture or referral arrangement, or
- For any other business related purposes.
Disclosure of personal information
- Experts or other third parties contracted as part of an engagement
- Our service providers
- Our professional advisers
- Other Accru firms or MGI Worldwide member firms
- As part of an engagement, if you are a customer, an employee, a contractor or supplier of services to one of our clients
- Government or regulatory bodies or agencies, as part of an engagement or otherwise, (for example, the Australian Taxation Office).
我们不会向第三方披露个人信息,以允许他们向您发送营销材料, unless it is with your express and fully informed consent. However, we may share non personal, 为研究或推广目的向他们提供去识别或聚合的信息.
我们有时可能仅出于市场研究目的向不属于Accru的实体披露有关您的信息. 我们将要求这些实体同意严格的条件来管理如何使用这些信息. 收集的信息将仅用于研究目的,以调查个人或公司对澳门赌场官网服务的需求和意见.
Use of personal information overseas
Accru是MGI Worldwide的成员公司,该公司在全球拥有150多家独立成员公司. Depending on the nature of the engagement or purpose of collection, 我们可能会根据《澳门官方赌场》向其他MGI成员公司或海外实体披露您的个人信息.
We may also store, 在位于海外的服务器上处理或备份您的个人信息(包括通过第三方服务提供商). In some circumstances, Accru还使用位于海外的第三方服务提供商来执行其功能并提供服务. By submitting your personal data to us, 您承认并同意供应商代表Accru处理您的数据, 即使在数据保护水平可能与《澳门赌场官网隐私原则》建议的标准不相称的国家也是如此.
Direct marketing
For hard copy communications, 您可以通过收到的硬拷贝通信中列出的澳门官方赌场发送电子邮件或致电您当地的Accru办公室.
Accru may use suppliers to collect data on its behalf. In such case, Accru的做法是要求这些供应商以符合Accru政策和《澳门官方赌场》的方式处理他们收集的个人数据.